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Electronic component character recognition & defect detection
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  • Project Description
    The project service object is a component factory, which needs to achieve OCR character recognition, whether the character is detected, defect detection, and glue detection;
    The output per hour is 1200 pieces/h, and the customer requires high efficiency.
    The detection accuracy requires ± 1mm, and the detection rate requires more than 99%.
  • Characteristic
    Support OCR character recognition, or not detection of characters, character defect detection (scratches, dirt), solder point defect detection, or not detection of copper wires, completely tube detection, crack scratch detection, and excessive inspection of welded joints;
    Through the comprehensive drawing of the four cameras in the upper, lower, front, front, and back, the requirements for the detection of any location of the material, and the iteration of the visual deep learning of the machine will gradually approach 100%, which will greatly reduce the waste of artificial resources and the waste of artificial resources and the waste of artificial resources and the waste of artificial resources and the waste of artificial resources and the waste of artificial resources and the waste of artificial resources and the waste of artificial resources and the waste of artificial resources and the waste of artificial resources and the waste of artificial resources and the waste of artificial resources and the waste of artificial resources and the waste of artificial resources and the waste of artificial resources and the waste of artificial resources and the waste of artificial resources and the waste of artificial resources and the waste of artificial resources and the waste of artificial resources and the waste of artificial resources and the waste of artificial resources and the waste of artificial resources and the waste of artificial resources and the waste of artificial resources and the waste of artificial resources and the waste of artificial resources and the waste of artificial resources. For the leakage of bad products, this device can be iterated with the picture, so that the accuracy rate is stable to ensure the overall yield of the material;
    The killing rate is now: 5%, missed inspection rate: 0.05%.
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